Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Day 2: Revolving Feelings

Here I am, sitting in Histology, and wondering to myself,

"Can I do it?"

My feelings fly back and forth, like a pendulum...no an old grandfather clock, where the pendulum swings left and right and left and right and...

...and with each swing the tick of the clock echoes, reverberates in the back of my mind.

You see, I sit in Histo, or Biochem, or Devo, and I think to myself

"I have done this before. This isn't new. It's got some new parts, but it's not wholly new. More importantly, the concepts aren't hard. I can do this."

Then I look at the amount of material and pace of my courses and I think to myself

"I am dead. There is so much material to cover. The classes move incredibly fast. I can't do this."

Which brings the pendulum back to vertical, and sounds another tick in the back of my head. Time is running short.

"Can I do it?"

"Yes, I can."

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