Monday, August 21, 2006

Day 8: Week 2

Beginning the second week. I didn't post on the weekend and decided to count those days, that way my day count reflects a real 365/366 days a year.

I skipped developmental anatomy and gross anatomy today and went to the doctor. I've been having huge headaches for about a month now and have a large knot in the back of my neck. The doc said simply that they're tension headaches, not migraines, nothing else serious. All the stress of looking for a condo (still looking) and starting school has lead to serious tightening of my shoulders (now I know the trapezius, levatores scapulae, etc.) and neck. Got a prescription for ibuprofen (says you need antinflammatory drugs for tension headaches, not tylenol), a muscle relaxant to take at night, and massage.

Yes, that's right, I got a prescription for a massage. Doctors rock.