Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Day 30: Gay Doctors

I've been thinking about this some more. What about gay doctors? This was my question that i asked Dr. Bockmon directly. You see, when a male doctor examines the genitalia of a female patient, a third person accompanies him into the exam room (usually a female nurse). This is smart, because it can put the patient at ease and protect the doc from sexual harrassment litigation. But in medicine, there is a BIG double standard. Female doctors often do not have to take a third person in the exam room when examining male patients' genitalia. More than that, sexual persuasion is never asked (of the doctor) in the hospital/clinic, so a gay doctor could be examining a male patient without a third person in the room. Do I think that gay doctors are going to molest patients? Heck no. They're not any more likely to do it than straight doctors. My point is, for those women who feel awkward having a male doctor give them a pelvic exam, there are doubtless people who would feel just as awkward having a homosexual doctor of their same gender giving them an exam. There is a simple, fair, equitable, and respectable answer to this. Give everyone their privacy by requiring a third person in the exam room every time a physician gives a genital exam regardless of the gender of physician or patient. Then people can keep their personal lives personal, and hospitals/physicians can be better covered against sexual harrasment litigation.

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