Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Day 23: U-pass Trauma

Today was a horrible day. I awoke early, drove fast, and arrived at school at 6:33am to get my U-pass. Remember, the place doesn't start selling them until 8:00am. I was the third person in line, behind a nursing student and a dental hygienist student who brought CHAIRS. Yes, chairs.

It didn't matter though. I looked down for my badge and my heart sunk into my jejunum when I realized I left it on the night stand by my bed. I live a freaking 45 minutes away in NO TRAFFIC. Rush hour? Forget it.

So I called my loving wife, and then my best friend Jamie. He hadn't left for work yet, so she ran it over to him. However, then my mom awoke (remember, still staying with the folks, bidding on condos) and she and Thi decided to run it down to me (faster). So they got ahold of Jamie, and the three of them plus another guy from the park and ride flew down the HOV lane towards downtown.

I gave up my place in line and watched vainly as person after person got their U-pass. They had 1107 passes, and I mentally ticked them all down. At 8:30am, 2 hours after I realized my bone-headed mistake, Thi walked in holding my badge.

Could I get my U-pass now? No. I have to go upstairs to the 22nd floor and get a dumb little sticker that says I paid tuition. Why they couldn't have sent it to me when I paid my tuition, or given it to me at orientation, I dunno. Red Tape is my least favorite color of tape.

So I got that, went back down to the first floor, paid my $52, and walked out with my little, blue U-pass. My mom and Thi raced home so she could change for a job interview (she made it on time) and I went to class late and eternally grateful to everyone.

And I'm supposed to be smart enough to be a doctor? I can't even remember my badge.

1 comment:

Anh Le said...

Your post made me laugh. Oh, how sweet is family...